Orkut Form

In the field of the education, the structure of hipertexto facilitates the mediation for the production of the knowledge and implies new forms to read, to write, to think, and to learn. The hipertextualidade this related with the forms to produce and to organize the knowledge, in the virtual space. The necessary school to deal with this situation of form to promote the insertion of the pupil in this new age, called cibercultura. In this situation of learning the use of the virtual space also the Orkut happens of conscientious, creative and adjusted form. All need to take decisions, to work in group, to collate ideas, to take off conclusions and to develop interpersonal abilities to learn of colaborativa form. To the pupil, it is placed chance to assume an active position in the development of the abilities necessary to have access to the chances that the Internet offers. ' ' To know is to deepen the levels of discoveries, is to penetrate deeper in the things, the reality … rich process of external and internal integration …

deepening of the levels of personal, communitarian and social knowledge (MORAN, 2004. P. 25). In these molds Literature and Technologies if they interlace allowing an education directed toward the construction of the full citizenship of the individual. 5 First METHODOLOGY stage: – Presentation for the professor of some summaries of workmanships of maranhense Literature and reading of the same ones for the pupils; Creation of a colloquy wheel so that some points are argued that are considered excellent by the pupils in the reading of the summaries; Second stage: – Visit of the pupils to the computer science laboratory so that they search biographies, headings of workmanships and fragmentos of texts of the Literature of the Maranho. This material will have to be printed matter and socialized in classroom through readings and commentaries, thus all will be knowing inherent aspects of the life of the authors and its writings: Third stage: – The pupils, in pair will have to search in the Internet and to present for the classroom workmanships written in verses of the diverse authors adepts of this literary style; the searched poems they will have to be analyzed by the pupils how much to the subject in focus, the characteristics of the literary school where they are inserted.

Construction Planners

Whether new construction or renovation – you plan like a pro. Gussek House offers builders and renovators the possibility to plan “meinHausplaner” like a pro. Freely adjustable sample houses and templates, builders can give free rein to their ideas. Dreams occur in heads. As these dreams can be painted and brought to paper, it requires that sometimes additional aid. With the software developed specifically for architectural lay, builders can implement their plans in the blink of an eye and make visible directly on the PC.

So you can plan your House individually. It is very easy to implement alternatives or to optimize and to visualize everything in 3D button. Let yourself be inspired and download the House Planner for free by on your computer. Many mosaic stones give a conclusion. So the service of the GUSSEK concept of the individual house building House Planner highlights, true to the motto “every house is unique”. The prefabricated house manufacturer offers energy-efficient homes with floor plans, the Families as well as couples allows the longed-for living and life concepts. So get a prefabricated house according to your individual wishes! Thorsten Huber


In practice, show them how to shotgun, twist the ring arbor can vyschelknutsya. So are you going to explain more advanced group, how can vyschelknutsya ropes of procrastination when climbing with a belay if the coupling rifle will look in the direction of incidence. Show the beginning of three main capture: passive (open enough), this provision the least traumatic for the fingers, open the watch – fingers bend the second joint at 90 degrees or more; asset (close enough) is used in very small hooks and the most traumatic grip. Therefore, while children's fingers are not properly strengthened and their cords do not become stronger, try to get rid of their routes Mizerov. Although experience shows that even in the presence of small hooks on the track is not fatal, because the young can not load the minuscule to the traumatic state. Make sure that the legs would be standing on the hook, loading his predominantly edge of the thumb. If some guys are afraid of heights that often, let them know that Insurance is much safer than they think. If it does not help, let climb to the altitude at which they feel comfortable, over time, fear will go away. If the hall train experienced athletes, pay attention to children in their technique climbing, explaining why they want to climb that way. Correct technique setting the feet and the location of the body while climbing in the future will help accelerate the progress of an athlete will not waste time retraining.

Get Writing Off to the Right Start

I’m about to share with you eight ideas and quick tips to help you improve your skills copy-writing useful for your sales letters. You can use these tips when trying to create offers, emails and sales letters that capture the attention of people. So without further ado, here! Number one: Always write your sales letter with the person in mind. Anytime you’re writing a sales letter or an e-mail, do it like you’re talking with someone. Number two: Look for your interest from the first line. You have to create the reader’s interest in the first line read. Number three: The use of bullets.

People like to explore, they like to read things quickly, as fast as they can, and use of bullets makes the whole reading process much easier. So use them. Number four: Just let it flow. When you start to write for your bills of sale, other than a start, it is difficult to sort out your ideas to flow as you type. I want to write as it will go out, keep in mind you’ll have moments when inspiration strikes you and write fluently tapping your fingers on the keyboard of your computer, so you should let your inspiration flow at the time.

Number five: Write like you talk. I spoke briefly about this in one of the above. But to understand what I repeat to you. It is much easier for you to imagine you are communicating with a person like you’re having a conversation with her, because when that person reading your sales letter or email, you will feel you’re talking face to face with it, and that is exactly what you want. Number six: That to your sales letter easy to read. What I mean is that you use short paragraphs. Use images, and put in bold some words. I want to highlight important aspects. Number seven: Emphasize benefits, not features. I want you in the shoes of the person reading your letter / article of communication. The first question that they will come to mind is: What is for me here? You have to answer that question, so you should highlight the benefits in your letter / article of communication. Number eight: You must keep the reader interested. How does that happen? In sales letter there are plenty of ways to keep the reader interested, and I’ll give some of them now. – You can use graphics. – You can use images. – You can use audio. – Use the video. – Another thing that people love to see is testimony. – Another thing you can always use is to give examples of the test. – Do you have the controls? – Do you have screenshots of people who sign up for certain things? You must provide proof that it works or provide benefits to the person who is reading what you’re trying to sell or promote, screenshots, photos, testimonials – these are some ways to teach the test. So there you go … 8 quick tips improve your writing skills to your sales letters. This is not the beginning nor the end all writing techniques, but they definitely help you jump over some obstacles that stand in your way! For an efficient enterprise.