While there are web designers is extremely popular use of flash-animation, often the constantly changing animation is irritating site visitors. At the same time perfectly motionless content Web pages also Like many people. Best of all, if changes occur during the initial page load and in response to some user actions. Most often, changing the appearance of the menu when the user brings to them pointer. Such changes are easily done through style sheets CSS, although in some instances, and the program in JavScript. However, more significant changes in the fragments of Web pages can sometimes be significantly their decorate, and then, without quite powerful programs written in the programming language JavScript, can not do.
Today it is very rare in the development of programs, all written from beginning to end. More commonly used standard libraries, many of which are distributed free of charge. One of these libraries provide a powerful and highly effective, is a MooTools. With small programs, causing resources MooTools, you can easily change the content and design web pages, making them more interactive and easy to use. Also, using this library is easy to implement asynchronous communication with the server technology AJAX. Tooltips, the effect of the accordion hiding some parts of this document, changing the design, unusual visualization of images and many other effects greatly improve the site, and to realize all these special effects is simple enough, if we use MooTools. Although the load time is slightly increased, as the library takes a few tens of kilobytes received little effect justifies the loss of time.