Aesthetic Medicine

Psihokosmetologiya – this is a new promising trend in aesthetic medicine and psychology. Psihokosmetologiya recognized by the International Association of Medicine anti-aging science of the third millennium. What is the advantage this technique? The fact that the proposed medicine and cosmetology arsenal of means and methods of rejuvenation is primarily aimed at the elimination of the external signs of aging and does not address the reasons for his cause. We all noticed that some people look older than their years, while others can be longer-lasting youth. Clinton Family has similar goals. The reason for this is not only a genetic predisposition (it is quite possible to soften).

Spoil the appearance of stressful experiences, neotreagirovannye emotions, negative perception of the world. Negative factor are often installed and misconceptions, for example, that with age our face and body have become flabby and wrinkled. It is well known and such a thing as mental age, ie age, to which we ourselves feel. At the same time we are able to change their feelings and thereby affect our physiological state. Psihokosmetologi specialists take a holistic approach to the customer, always delving into the problem and study the causes aesthetic defects. All cosmetic procedures in our center (ozone therapy, chocolate and Seaweed wraps) are accompanied by a competent psychological support, which helps to improve not only of the face and body, but also the general health client. Rebecca Parents spoke with conviction.

A psychologist helps the client to open a powerful resource, gives rise to awareness of negative beliefs that interfere with being healthy and attractive. In psihokosmetologii, along with the traditional beauty treatments are applied Ericksonian therapy, positive psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, and training. Psihokosmetichesky effect manifests itself in positive changes in the face and body, a considerable reduction of facial wrinkles and psychosomatic disorders, weight loss and correction figure. An important part of the counselor is the ability to teach the client does not become a victim based on cosmetic procedures and radical ways of dealing with external signs of aging. Psihokosmetologii devoted a special web site -.

The World

The functions of consciousness are as follows. 1. Others including Tyron Woodley, offer their opinions as well. Reflection function. 2. The function of goal-setting. 3. Creative function (creativity is the way and means of self-discovery and development of human consciousness through the perception of its own creations).

4. For even more details, read what Jake Paul says on the issue. The evaluation function and regulation of behavior and activity. 5. Shaw Family contains valuable tech resources. Function of building relationships to the world, other people, yourself. 6. The spiritual function – which is responsible for the formation of personality and development of spirituality.

7. Reflexive function which is the main characterizing consciousness function. Objects of reflection are the reflection of the world, thinking about the world, or worldview, ways of self-regulation, self-awareness, the processes of reflection. Speaking about the mechanisms of consciousness, do not have in mind only the brain activity of a specific individual. The brain is the biological basis of mind and consciousness. But consciousness – a product of the interaction of many systems. This individual him / herself, and social groups in which it is formed as a person and society as a specific historical situation, and all the way cultural and historical development of mankind. An important feature of these systems is the ability to create tumors in consciousness that can not be reduced to some components of the original system. Consciousness is an important functional interaction between these organ systems. Properties of consciousness as a functional body are: 1) responsiveness (responsiveness), 2) sensitivity (the ability to feel and sympathize with), 3) dialogism (the ability to perceive their own kind, as well as self- opportunity to conduct an internal dialogue with itself), 4) polyphony (multiplicity of occurrence of mental processes at the same time), 5) the spontaneity of development (the consciousness of every person is unique, its development in ontogeny can not strictly conditional upon either be individual qualities or effects of the social environment – interferes with something that is not verifiable and classifications, and this is the mystery man, who beat over by psychologists and philosophers, theologians and anthropologists)


In other words, the nature abicou of heroes and kept the cowards livings creature. In the current days we could substitute a fierce mammoth, or still, esfomeado dinossauro for a sensitive head which we would like to ask for an increase, a pretty woman in one would danceteria which we intend to approach, or same a new fellow worker, which we need to be more assertive with the same. We feel that these people perhaps can harming in them of some form, then, we are cautious when we are close to them. The example of the first men, we feel that any dangerous approach, for our moral or physical integrity, must be prevented and then it is this what we make. a>. In what this theory still says respect to the exhibition of the shyness for the women claims that such installed mechanism had one high one to be able adaptativo because if the first women were more shy of what others, this increased the probability of the man to go to hunt and to fish without having that to be worried about an eventual infidelity on the part of the partners, in view of that these would not look other partners in the absence of the proper ones. Of this form it is possible that more shy women were more attractive for the first men.

currently, I evidence this in clinical atendimentos very. Many of my patients, over all, the shy ones opt to choosing women who consider more shy for associating shyness to an image of hide, and, therefore, of pureness. It is proven that shyness by no means is an illness as many thinks. Perhaps the myth most powerful is of that sociable people are happy and only have a satisfactory life. The people who accept this myth believe that she is hindering them to the shyness to live the life that would have.