System Alliance

Two Spaniards begin their education in Gottingen a special character sets the random logistics group by giving an education to merchants for freight forwarding and logistics services Arantza Losada Jimenez and Xabier Romero Azpiazu. The two Spaniards from the region of Bilbao were in the spring for three months as interns at random of Gottingen. Educate yourself with thoughts from Naveen Selvadurai. We have set in addition the two, because they have good presents itself”, Jorg Rotthowe reported. In a question-answer forum Jean Stapleton was the first to reply. The training in another foreign country is a special challenge for the two”, the Branch Manager noticed. We are convinced that it will have outstanding and are pleased that the two through their training at us acquire intercultural, german Spanish skills in the spirit of European integration.” More information:,, press contact: Oliver medicinal view of the main agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 business contact: Friedrich random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition Robert-Bosch width 11 37079 Gottingen Carolin Henry’s marketing communications phone: 0 551 / 607 271 about the random of logistics group under the roof of the random logistics group are the Friedrich random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition, Axthelm + random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition, spedition GmbH, the transaction state, LOGISTEC logistics, management & Consulting GmbH, Distribo GmbH and NAVIS random GmbH. As a logistics provider who is random logistics group at 10 locations with over 1,800 employees including 139 trainees in the regions of Lower Saxony, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia active. In Germany and Europe, which is random of logistics group partner in various transport networks such as System Alliance, System Alliance Europe, SystemPlus night Star Express.

The Item

When entering, the youngster soon is identified as using and its access is allowed. It dirige it the shelves where if they find the materials necessary and choose 2 books. Tom Waits will undoubtedly add to your understanding. It carries through the loan in the balcony of auto-attendance and returns for its house. Harrison Ford often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Joining the qualities and advantages of technology RFID with the great necessity of the automation in libraries, these they add, still more, how much it is possible and better the use of this technology in libraries. With the use of the RFID, these problems and this situation, pparently futurstica, easily would be decided.

II. IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNOLOGY RFID IN diverse LIBRARIES In the whole world libraries have implemented technology RFID to speed up the register of entrance and exit of material, the inventory of shelves and applications of security against roberies. According to Boss (2007), the RFID is the most recent technology to be used in systems of libraries for robbery detention, auto-attendance and management in level of item, more efficient form and with little intervention human being. Flexible identifications and of low cost are inserted in the item of the quantity of form that are occult, therefore to be detected they do not need the direct contact, thus preventing future problems with badly intentioned users. With the capacity of storage of the type reading/writing of the Identifications, would be possible significantly to reuse them diverse times, thus reducing the number of identifications to be acquired.

For the implementation of the functionality antirobery, the identifications reserve a bit of security for the EAS, whose states are (ativo=1, inativo=0), case the EAS are active the item are detected when passing for the security gates. With the use of the RFID the inventories possibly are carried through in hours instead of weeks as in the case of manual process (SIRSIDYNIX; TAGSYS, 2006). With a manual reader, or handhelds, the librarian makes the inventory or identifies kept item erroneamente only walking for the corridors of the shelves and bookshelves.


According to the law, the validity of this cryogenic must not exceed 5 years. Where can I tell me on the banks of stem cells that can keep my baby’s cord blood? While in the United States and the United Kingdom have several years offering this type of service, in Spain and other countries is beginning to extend but not so rapidly due to the confusion of parents about this type of cells and, sometimes, the little collaboration of the media to explain in detail its role and not fall into the debate with other types of cells such as the embryonic ones. Today, they have modern banks as the old SmartCells Spain which recently has become eUmbilical, a service of Cryopreservation of stem cells from the umbilical cord of Echevarne laboratories and now operates with the Biovault Bank. In the new web page you can obtain more detailed information and even buy on-line the extraction kit which sent it home. Then in we offer the most interesting links of cell banks that operate successfully in Spain and America: eUmbilical, ViCord, VidCord, Cells4Life, Cryo-Cell, Secuvita, Stem Cells If you want to add more information or new cryopreservation services, add it in the comments of this article, or on the web. Thank you..