
Showing there the great difficulty of the education in forming authentic educators. Therefore the ones that are authentic show oque know, and at the same time, they are intent what they do not know. They show to the pupil the complexity to learn, teaches learning valuing the difference. The great educators not only attract ideas, but for the personal contact. Further details can be found at Peter Thiel, an internet resource. Inside or it are of the lesson call the attention.

Has always something surprising, in what they say and the relations that establish, since in the way communicating itself in the one to even act, showing to be inexhaustible wells of discoveries. They are not previsible, nor surprise, therefore they repeat the same didactics. Inside of this perspective we see of that this forms the education being given. Harrison Ford is full of insight into the issues. ahead of educators who if limit to traditional they do not live its time, that is they stop in the time, they had limited it to be mere repeaters of information and exceeded methods, not if they worry in discovering what it has beyond the borders of the great forest that is the education. In this way one concludes that the education for intermediary of the technology is something fascinating of inestimable value in the education process learning what it is summarized in the knowledge construction, ahead of a dynamic form and clear of the world that if characterizes in such a way for the interdisciplinaridade in the education of Physics through innumerable resources that can if led for it practises as form and of education and evaluation in way I practise, where the professor to see the pupil inside of practises, leaving the traditional theory, on directly the psychological and didactic ways of learning. She is clear the sustentation of the emission process and reception of information dictated as something more consolidated and that if of each time more early in construction of the citizen I criticize and reflexive. The paper of this new boarding it is not to solve all the problems of the education, therefore the base of all they is not necessarily, the absence of one determined concrete technology or didactics and psychologies, is clearly that it has its great value to brighten up such problems, but yes to offer instruments that provide to the pupil an education of quality..

The Item

When entering, the youngster soon is identified as using and its access is allowed. It dirige it the shelves where if they find the materials necessary and choose 2 books. Tom Waits will undoubtedly add to your understanding. It carries through the loan in the balcony of auto-attendance and returns for its house. Harrison Ford often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Joining the qualities and advantages of technology RFID with the great necessity of the automation in libraries, these they add, still more, how much it is possible and better the use of this technology in libraries. With the use of the RFID, these problems and this situation, pparently futurstica, easily would be decided.

II. IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNOLOGY RFID IN diverse LIBRARIES In the whole world libraries have implemented technology RFID to speed up the register of entrance and exit of material, the inventory of shelves and applications of security against roberies. According to Boss (2007), the RFID is the most recent technology to be used in systems of libraries for robbery detention, auto-attendance and management in level of item, more efficient form and with little intervention human being. Flexible identifications and of low cost are inserted in the item of the quantity of form that are occult, therefore to be detected they do not need the direct contact, thus preventing future problems with badly intentioned users. With the capacity of storage of the type reading/writing of the Identifications, would be possible significantly to reuse them diverse times, thus reducing the number of identifications to be acquired.

For the implementation of the functionality antirobery, the identifications reserve a bit of security for the EAS, whose states are (ativo=1, inativo=0), case the EAS are active the item are detected when passing for the security gates. With the use of the RFID the inventories possibly are carried through in hours instead of weeks as in the case of manual process (SIRSIDYNIX; TAGSYS, 2006). With a manual reader, or handhelds, the librarian makes the inventory or identifies kept item erroneamente only walking for the corridors of the shelves and bookshelves.

8 Robots That Can Kill Us

How much do you think we have to live up to the point where computers will understand that the people they are no longer needed?) Do you think this is unrealistic? Then look! They walk among us! True brains they have yet not enough, but as soon as any mad scientist invents artificial intelligence, your 'clever' vacuum cleaner or a toaster pounce on you to spare no electricity. But as they say forewarned – is forearmed! That's really the potential of existing machines murder, the most advanced to date, capable of threatening the life of mankind. How much do you think we have to live up to the point where computers will understand that the people they are no longer needed?) Do you think this is unrealistic? Then look! They walk among us! True brains they have yet not enough, but as soon as some mad scientist invents artificial intelligence, your 'clever' vacuum cleaner or a toaster pounce on you to spare no electricity. But as they say warned – is forearmed! That's really existing potential killing machines, the most advanced to date, capable of threatening the life of mankind. 1.

Carnivorous robot-trap (The Flesh-Eating Robo-Fly Catcher) horrific brainchild of two scientists from the uk. Originally conceived as a trap for bats and various insects. Consumes the flesh of his iron jaws. One has only to them mad and they will live exactly as long as the planet does not remain nothing alive. Yes, robots eat meat, but you did not know? 2. Robo-bloodsucking eel you still here?) Then what you say about the blood-sucking cyborg? Of course, it is used solely for research purposes. But soon the day when the robot brain break free.

Android Quota

Android already surpasses to Apple and it is placed in the second put between UNDER for ‘ smartphones’ in the main European markets. HTC and Samsung are the manufacturers who more ‘ smartphones’ they distribute and Spain is the second country in the zone with greater amount of users of intelligent telephones. ComScore MobiLens I realise a study that analyzes the tendencies of growth of plataformGoogle Android through the five main European markets: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, known like the EU5. According to the average of the trimester finished in 2011 July, in all the EU5 they declared to use ‘ smartphones’ 88,4 million users, a 44 percent more with respect to the previous year. Spain is the second country with greater percentage of users of ‘ smartphones’ , with a quota of the 43.2 percent, being placed in first United Kingdom position. The data show that Android has eaten to the apple, being placed in front of the company of Cupertino. The operating system of Google showed the fastest growth between platforms of ‘ smartphones’ in this period, increasing its quota of market of 6 to 22.3 percentage points. The growth of Android in the last year surpasses therefore to the one of all the other platforms by a significant margin of up to 32 points with respect to Symbian, leader of the table with a 37.8 percent of quota.

The data emphasize if the percentage of 2010 consider, when Apple surpassed with a 19 percent of quota to the 6 percent of Android. The unique platforms that lost quota were Symbian and Microsoft, that respectively diminished a 16.1 and 4.8 percent. ” Thanks to a great extent to the increasing popularity of the platform of Google, the use of ‘ smartphones’ significativo” has undergone a growth; , the vice-president of Europe for Moving body of comScore declared, Jeremy Copp. In July of 2011, 19.7 million users of ‘ smartphone’ of the five countries they used terminals of Android, obtaining the greater number in the United Kingdom (6.3 million), followed by France (4.5 million) and Germany (4 million). In these zones, HTC most of owns the market of Android with the 34.6 percent, being placed next Samsung with a 31.7 percent. On the other hand, HTC and Samsung are the main manufacturers of Android. HTC reached the greater quota of market with a 34.6 percent of all the used Android devices in all the region, followed close by Samsung with a 31.7 percent. In the United Kingdom, HTC represented more of the 50 percent of the devices Android in use, a percentage ” significantly greater than in others pases” , it explains the study.

Meanwhile, Samsung less than occupied the second place of Android in this country, representing half of the quota of HTC (21.6 percent). Nevertheless, between the other members of the EU5, Samsung was placed at the top of the Android devices with a quota of 42.3 percent in France and more of the 30 percent in Germany, Italy and Spain. The activity that less carries out the users of intelligent telephones of the five countries, between the analyzed ones, is to accede a the news (12 percent), followed of access social networks or blogs (15.3 percent).

Robot Replaced Person

The race race, in which people need to stay one step ahead of robots: an international team of scientists going to publish a 'code of ethics "for machines that are becoming harder and harder. While the nightmarish picture of the world ruled by Terminators, it may seem fantastic, scientists believe that it is time to establish a framework of interaction between humans and robots right now, until the development of robots sverhumnyh not out of control. 'There two levels of priorities – said Gianmarco Verrudzho, robotics at the Institute of Systems Intelligence in Genoa and the main creator of leadership, which will publish in July. – We need to manage the ethics of scientists creating robots, and ethics of artificial robots themselves. " Verrudzho and his colleagues have identified key areas: ensuring human control over robots, preventing illegal use, protecting data acquired by robots; clear identification and the ability to track vehicles. "Scientists must start the analysis of these issues and to understand whether for laws and regulations to protect citizens – said Verrudzho. – The robot will be a powerful intellect, and in some respects it will be perfect the human intellect.

" 'But the UTB is strange culmination of analysis was the conference held in Genoa, the European research network on Robotics (EURON), to discuss issues that may occur to the extent that, as robots become smarter, faster, stronger and more widespread. 'Serious concern is the safety and sex' – said a member of the ethics of EURON Henrik Christensen. The extent to which robots allowed affect people's lives? How to avoid accidents? Is it possible to prevent the intentional infliction of harm? What happens if the robot will be capable of sexual activity? 'The question is how much power we delegate machines – said Robert Arkin, professor of robotics at Georgia Tech. – Are we going to, for example, to give robots the ability to use deadly force or any force such as crowd control? " Future code – is a sign that reality has caught up with science fiction. .

Internet Use

The intercultural comes from the local culture and both can pacifically be used. To put occurs many times in such a way the attempt of the intercultural as of the proper local culture to assimilate that is one to want to substitute to another one. is exactly in this point that occurs the shock of cultures. Beyond this cultural question that exists with the cibercultura we also have some points of reflection on the Internet as: Old social matters: How to become the accessible Internet for all? How to educate asparagus use of the Internet? Questions as these we have that to lead in consideration when we speak of Internet therefore great part of the population does not have access the Internet or need to be acquired knowledge on the use of the Internet..

Orkut Form

In the field of the education, the structure of hipertexto facilitates the mediation for the production of the knowledge and implies new forms to read, to write, to think, and to learn. The hipertextualidade this related with the forms to produce and to organize the knowledge, in the virtual space. The necessary school to deal with this situation of form to promote the insertion of the pupil in this new age, called cibercultura. In this situation of learning the use of the virtual space also the Orkut happens of conscientious, creative and adjusted form. All need to take decisions, to work in group, to collate ideas, to take off conclusions and to develop interpersonal abilities to learn of colaborativa form. To the pupil, it is placed chance to assume an active position in the development of the abilities necessary to have access to the chances that the Internet offers. ' ' To know is to deepen the levels of discoveries, is to penetrate deeper in the things, the reality … rich process of external and internal integration …

deepening of the levels of personal, communitarian and social knowledge (MORAN, 2004. P. 25). In these molds Literature and Technologies if they interlace allowing an education directed toward the construction of the full citizenship of the individual. 5 First METHODOLOGY stage: – Presentation for the professor of some summaries of workmanships of maranhense Literature and reading of the same ones for the pupils; Creation of a colloquy wheel so that some points are argued that are considered excellent by the pupils in the reading of the summaries; Second stage: – Visit of the pupils to the computer science laboratory so that they search biographies, headings of workmanships and fragmentos of texts of the Literature of the Maranho. This material will have to be printed matter and socialized in classroom through readings and commentaries, thus all will be knowing inherent aspects of the life of the authors and its writings: Third stage: – The pupils, in pair will have to search in the Internet and to present for the classroom workmanships written in verses of the diverse authors adepts of this literary style; the searched poems they will have to be analyzed by the pupils how much to the subject in focus, the characteristics of the literary school where they are inserted.

Virtual World

The society throughout the times suffered a gradual process from transformations that they had lead the man of the primitive to technological, of the nomad to the social one and at last of the caves to the space trips. All this evolution, would not be possible without the constant perfectioning of the genius human being, as for the domain of more diverse technologies gifts at each time, as example, and to ours to see the most important step of the humanity, the domain of the fire. Action this that, certainly, was a divider d' waters for the existence and development of the race human being in our planet. All this scaling covered a way marked for innumerable transformations: vegetal food extration, the agglomeration of people in social groups in permanent geographic places and the necessity of provision of alimentary supplies they had been determinative for first revolution: the Agriculturist. Plus a revolution if he approached with the man, again, when dominating the existing techniques, identified the necessity to increase the artisan production and manual and using rudimentary mechanisms he organized production of its good in stages. That they gave themselves since the attainment of the raw material to the end item.

We have then the second revolution: the Industrial, moment that he marks, excessively, the technological and economic evolution of the society. Parallel to all these technological changes, also identify the social changes, which had allowed that the man if transformed into a sociable being, with convivncia habits, with papers defined in its mannering relations, identifying the religious rites, as well as the labor relations, the presence of the legal instruments and finally the culture (arts, the language, customs, the laws, the religions, the philosophical and ideological conceptions) that it identifies each social niche. From these technological and mannering revolutions, the man left half empiricist and searched the field tecno-scientific, using each time more the machines and perfecting still more the techniques, and literally, the human being started to dominate its space, the nature.

Wireless Network Area

diverse standards for nets without used wire Exist to uniformizar the use of the nets without wire, most used he is without a doubt the 802,11 established for standardization of local nets without wire. Standard 802.11 has advanced will be boarded. 1.2.1 Nets wireless 802,11 For the operabilidade necessity uniform of different types of LANs without wire, the IEEE (Institute of Eletrical and Eletronic Engineers) formed a group of functioning to explore standards for local nets without wire, it called and it 802.11. In 1997, the IEEE traced standard 802,11 for management of nets of local areas. In this standard he was definite two types of transmission, for the infra red light and the radio inside of the band of 2.4-Ghz. In the following topic we will see some terminologies of nets without wire to continue explanando on standards 802.11.

1.2.2 Basic concepts the nets without wire are composed basically for two types of components: The Access Points (APs), that it proves services the stations associates, and the net adapters I are electronic interfaces in the computers of the customers. Below it follows beyond these other terminologies. Access points: they are devices that the function has to make the management of the nets without wire, between its tasks are: to divide the traffic enters the pursuings of one same net, or to serve as bridge to establish connection nets of different protocols etc. WLANS: it is a very used concept that nothing more is that a local net without wire (Local Wireless Network Area). Beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code Service Set (BSS): it is a set of controlled stations for an only Access Ponit. 18 Independet beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code Service Set (IBSS): They are nets without wire where the stations if communicate between itself without the necessity of a Access Point, also they are known as ad-hoc, where the computers if directly communicate 1.2.3 Standards 802,11 According to Towers, (2002), when the configuration of a WLAN is argued (Wireless Local Network Area) exists some standards, developed or in development for the IEEE (Institute of Eletrical and Eletronic Engineers) that they must be considered: Standard 802.11: it was the first standard consolidated in the sprouting of the nets without wire.