I.e. in silence! We must remember that our information is floating in the air and all, we and also the neighbours have right and access to the same air. It is important to bear in mind, also, that waves of WIFI, are scattered in a radius of about 50 meters and 100 meters. This will depend on the obstacles and interference see loss of signal in WIFI and WIFI standard that we are using for the connection. The spread will have one wider scope in the very near future with new WIFI IEEE 802. 11n. For all this, and a Despite the convenience that represents arriving at an airport or a hotel, to be able to read our emails, connect to the Organization’s network and our banking transactions, it will have to be taken several security measures and understand all so quiet but as real threats to us be submitted to connect via wireless (wireless). 4.
Measures of security for a wireless WIFI network as a WiFi wireless network communication can be realized and the traffic can be captured and analyzed by anyone who is within range of the RF waves, will be essential to encrypt information, to strengthen security and avoid make it easily readable for any intruder. To encrypt the information in a wireless network, there are 3 methods that are widely described in the free course of WIFI wireless networks. These are: WEP: it is the weakest of all and try to avoid it. WPA: It is stronger than WEP and currently is the more used, many times due to limitations of equipment and others due to lack of knowledge of the WPA2 user: it is the strongest and the most recommended, but in many cases there is with computers that support it. The old WIFI equipment are not suitable for this type of cryptographic calculations. In addition, to avoid that hacker or hackers entering our server silently, through the WIFI network, it is very important to authenticate and authorize users by means of a RADIUS server and EAP protocols, as required by the standard IEEE 802.
1 x. The EAP protocols most used to authenticate users of WIFI are: EAP-LEAP EAP-TLS EAP-TTLS EAP – PEAP a broader explanation of authentication and authorization of users through RADIUS and the demands of the 802.1 x standard servers can be found in the White Paper basic concepts of security in wireless networks WIFI and several chapters of the free course of wireless networks WIFI: authentication/802. 1 x, RADIUS server, EAP authentication and Suplicantes in the second part of this article will discuss the most common threats that lurk permanently to users of WIFI and the precautions that must be taken to mitigate the insecurity. The author of this article, Eduardo Tabacman, is engineer network wireless WIFI and computer security specialist. On site which is editor and founder, will find many entertaining articles similar to this about computer viruses, network security and Wireless networks. In the free course on WIFI networks, you will discover numerous secrets that aren’t in any book in Spanish. Subscribe free to our newsletter at, and you will receive a gift video.