RSS (Real Simple Syndication) is the talk around the net these days because of its many benefits. However many people do not have very clear exactly what is RSS. Here is a definition of what is RSS (Real Simple Syndication) is in the plain English for those of you who are new to it and for those of you who are still a little confused about herself and their uses. RSS is an acronym. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. The RSS content is delivered through RSS feeds. These are simple files structured in a specific manner.
A type of xml The XML file is the format used to distribute news headlines via the Web, which is known as syndication. RSS files (which are also called RSS feeds or channels) are limited to the list of topics. In general, each item contains a title, summary and a link to a URL. RSS files are very much like the HTML code. . It is up to the user use this information in any way that he wants. RSS is simply a technology that distributes your information (whatever that is – articles, special offers, opinions, resources ads) through the transmission on the other side of the network. An RSS feed is the way that your information or content can be delivered instantly to the desktop of a Subscriber, to pass the email and the email filters.
This syndication is where this the true power that it unleashes RSS, do get your message or information through the web in an instant to websites of your subscribers and / or readers. There are two main components of a RSS feed. Channel: A channel is the total collection of items that you want to highlight on your site. It is not exactly a file RSS channel. Topic: The article is one thing that you want to highlight on your site.