57.8% Of rejection, the highest since it began to measure opinion citizen on the subject, present Aysen hydroelectric projects, currently as it revealed the news article the battle of HidroAysen, journalist Paulo Ramirez, which was issued in the Thursday night in the central channel 13 news. The Chronicle explained the latest Ipsos poll, September 2010 data but that just this week met en masse, giving account that only 31.1% of the national population supports the initiatives of HidroAysen and southern energy. It is the last national poll known on the subject. This peak represents a historical level since he knew the intentions of building 2 dams on the Baker River and 3 in the Easter part of society of Endesa and Colbun, and 3 in Raven, Condor, by Xstrata and white rivers. Since 2008 Ipsos comes by measuring the level of support and rejection of these initiatives, starting in April of that year with a 54.7% of backrest and a 37.4% of opposition, which has given a total turnaround and relationship that today makes it clear that the great majority of Chileans opposed the Aysen hydroelectric. The study was quantitative telephone interviews by applying semi structured questionnaires from 20 minutes to a total of 1,009 men and women older than 18 years from Arica to Punta Arenas. It was developed between 4 and August 22 this year in more than 50 municipalities across the country.