Just before this issue of humanization of work, Rosalinda gives us Gamez Gastelum, who according to Lucas Garcia Marin and Ruiz (2004) is considered to be the only important to humanize the Work is not the task. It is also crucial that the man feels that he is truly his own work and have an active participation in decision making. However, it is difficult to achieve both. However, calls New Human Relations say they have found a formula in which everyone wins, Just the empowerment can help employees is to feel less isolated, more taken into account, enabling them to make decisions. I believe that the School of Industrial Relations should focus more on the impact, scope that have been generated in the present, product not only of the effects of globalization, new openings, international trade, competitiveness, but the Government’s own actions transformations, which is carrying out policies and their impact on the economy, operations, business productivity, and evaluate how all this goes against the humanization of work in order to provide the tools, knowledge, to counteract the negative effects that affect the behavior organizational climate of a good company, every worker has rights. The work is in itself an intrinsic dignity. As Rosa says Abascal, the human being who performs it is able to grow and thus be better.
Through the work, being not only transforms nature to suit their needs, but reaches a fullness as a person becoming somewhat more human. Definitely, management must be the guarantor of the humanization of work, not to neglect as external variables and internal impact on deterioration. Remember what we elpais.com cites that in the daily life of many companies is often the occurrence of so-called “pyramid harmful effect,” which manages to “move the moodiness and stress from the top down, affecting a number of workers “, as maintained by the expert in business communication, Joan Elias. Sometimes, “the direction of the company strongly criticizes the work done by some middle managers, whose anger causes the same reaction on their collaborators. “Thus,” little by little creating a corporate culture based on punishment and resentment, which contributes to dissatisfaction, fear and lack of commitment to be the common denominator of the squad. “-from after all this affects the dehumanization of work.