Eight critical success factors for the review and the management of company networks Dortmund, 08.06.2009 – that most companies can not exactly estimate performance and safety conditions for their internal networks. So the last comprehensive check of the networks is according to a recent survey of COMCO AG over 12 months in four out of five cases, with 42 percent two years or even longer. As a result a potentially significant implications can develop unnoticed in the background\”, COMCO Board Friedhelm Zawatzky Stromberg is problematized. He has therefore developed a best practice guide with the critical success factors for the validation and management of enterprise networks: the network performance requirements define: derived from the business strategies the individual corporate structures and requirements in the network management must be worked out first in detail. This creates not only a secure basis for the conceptual measures, but This is also the precondition for a systematic and efficient methodology of approach to the holistic view of the network.
Find the cost drivers in the infrastructure: the networks have usually a colorful bouquet of technologies and systems of from different manufacturers. Because they are historically grown and therefore often lack a holistic concept, mostly not optimal and economic utilization of network resources is possible. This unused potential for optimisation is to make it visible through a systematic analysis of the infrastructure conditions and to derive the practical needs of the action from the findings. Determine realistic optimization opportunities for the IT services: A high level of network performance demands the close and requirement-oriented interaction of technical systems and services. From the perspective of services, this means that standardised and sufficiently automated IT processes must be based on clear standards. Most significant prospects in an inadequate standardization for optimising both the performance and the economic level. Additional potential can be activated by a dedicated focus on SLAs as a tool for power control.