It encourages the subject to be active depending on the particularities of it. Plurimotivado assumes a character because it is aimed at satisfying human needs. Thus, the Cuban education system is supported by the cultural historical school represented LS Vygotsky and his followers who attribute invaluable to socialization, and laid the foundations for understanding the psychological role of the family in social reproduction. If While many aspects of the preparation of the families that are listed in the bibliographies, research and educational practice show that this is one of the most necessary and complex. Consistent with this, in Holguin have conducted research related to this subject, among which is the investigative study of G. Sanchez.
(2000) which concentrates on theoretical aspects – practical and it offers a method to characterize the personality of adolescents in technical and vocational education Holguin municipality by professional teaching tasks, the teacher serving as a model for characterizing students, as an essential element from the knowledge of students on which also aims to stimulate research conducted by A. Garcia (2001) who proposes a Family Orientation Program for the education of adolescent sexuality in Holguin. Similarly, E. Ortiz. (1996), offers indicators for the teacher of secondary education improve their communication style that will facilitate better integrated in their students, no doubt these research studies can be taken into account by the professor of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) and would foster better communication style with students and family. Also in a study by M, Torres (1987) in aggressive and hyperactive children with communication problems and a tendency toward aggression and irritability, considers it one of the causes that produce the divorce, stress in family life and social, thus stresses that communication is one of the most common problems of the modern world.