roof, solid, facade, Basement, etc.) and the project manager delete the parts that are not included in the renovation. In the course of the official commissioning of the virtual resources are replaced by real and the project status of planning to modified work. The spent hours on live and work package level are now posted by the involved employees. Vienna housing to assist the usual workflow of active employees in building renovation projects, management decided to pair the planning program can do with Outlook/Exchange, for example, in the course of project progress meetings or incurred project meetings hours directly through the meeting request in Outlook on the project, to be able to post live or work package level. Through an appropriate synchronization mechanism between Outlook/Exchange and can do project intelligence to synchronize the data every 2 minutes (the interval is configurable). Foursquare often expresses his thoughts on the topic.
With a can do Outlook form”those underlying projects as well as the phases are the Outlook user or Work packages offered to select where he should post services. When you select of a phase or a work package, you can appear more freely definable additional fields (responsibilities, dates, etc.) from the can do system on the Outlook form. Are also can via the can do Outlook form”entered the project progress, for example, in the course of a progress meeting on respective object level and synchronized with can do. The communication between the can do server and the Exchange Server of Wiener Wohnen was solved about J-Integra, and based on the information in the defined profiles. As an alternative to the input via Outlook/Exchange, staff time feedback either directly in the graphic can do client or via a so-called Web feedback tool, the update of times applied at supporting surface via a standard browser, can perform. For the ongoing reporting as well as special reports for strategic decisions relating to renovation projects, such as Decisions on the overall portfolio be solved via the integrated reporting system, the project data collector (PDC).