Checklist for safety of guests and employees the swine flu is long. Every day increases the number of those infected who bring the virus from the holiday. Even if most cases are bitch, health experts fear the rapid spread of influenza among others about the hospitality industry. At the occurrence of a pandemic flu, the hotels will play a key role in protecting the health and safety of employees and also limit the damage to economy and society. A sustainable influenza pandemic planning is crucial for this, says Ulrich Jander, security expert for the hospitality industry. The first major case of swine flu in the EuroHotel Excelsior Ludwigshafen is enough”warning, so j.
Early July US guests, which had infected, was isolated in the hotel with significant consequences and costs for the staff and other guests. Several public by realms had to be quarantined and disinfected rooms elaborately. Check list for downloading: Downloads/..Schweinegrippe.pdf the checklist of the Robert-Koch Institute, so the hotel security expert Ulrich Jander, is used as a basis to assess the health situation in own hotel to manage. The corporate pandemic Notfallpan of the Federal Office for civil protection can be downloaded on the website. Ulrich Jander is a security consultant and consultant for fire protection and risk management. Together with his wife Martina, he manages the company GQH society for quality assurance in the hotel and ASD of occupational health & Sicherheitstechnischer service. The trained banker and management engineer is expert in occupational safety and fire risk management.
The 51 lives in Russelsheim near Frankfurt. More information: contact: Ulrich Jander destance, ASD of occupational health & Sicherheitstechnischer service Russelsheim GmbH Odenwald str.