We can then develop a need if we have seen the object of desire aposteriorisch. Respectively: the priority is used differently in an individual. Not existing clean water has a greater priority than a non-existing yacht. When looking at relative, some needs in certain regions in multiple categories can be divided. Example: For a person from a dry region in the third world, water is a cultural need, as well as a need for existence. This categorization would affect only living people. For the people who died for lack of water, the water was probably no need for culture, but a need for luxury (which they had to meet, because it was at the same time a need for existence). And not everyone can afford to luxury.
Aposteriorische luxury needs are only for a relatively small group of financially and politically powerful people accessible and arise only out of the experience. For the region, a sports car luxury, for the other region is a democracy. Aposteriorische culture needs can be satisfied by any average citizen. For example a car, vacation or a computer would be in Germany. Luxury needs be sought until (usually) by the aposteriorischen cultural needs.
Illusory existence needs are apparent culture – or even luxury needs. You are not essential to life and have an addiction – due to an emotionally intense habituation. Make a try and forbid the Internet, the computer or the mobile phone such as your son or your daughter and look at the emotional reaction. Or democracy prohibits in a State such as Germany (if possible) and watch how the revolution jump. I call this behavior a emotionally-intensive habituation of aposteriorischen needs. Differentiated business needs can, relatively speaking, both luxury and Kulturbedurfnise be. They are present in all living people and are a minimum of ownership of of need for. (The example: demand for food, water and oxygen). It is not hard to recognize: the failure of satisfaction is dead; in the truest sense of the word. Their experience was forced upon us by means of physiological and mental conditions. As embryo or fetus – in the belly of the mother – we couldn’t decide, whether we like it or not absorb food. This experience is through evolution (or whatever) determined for us. The congenital existence needs are so to speak the imposed aposteriorischen needs.