The Mobile

We can then develop a need if we have seen the object of desire aposteriorisch. Respectively: the priority is used differently in an individual. Not existing clean water has a greater priority than a non-existing yacht. When looking at relative, some needs in certain regions in multiple categories can be divided. Example: For a person from a dry region in the third world, water is a cultural need, as well as a need for existence. This categorization would affect only living people. For the people who died for lack of water, the water was probably no need for culture, but a need for luxury (which they had to meet, because it was at the same time a need for existence). And not everyone can afford to luxury.

Aposteriorische luxury needs are only for a relatively small group of financially and politically powerful people accessible and arise only out of the experience. For the region, a sports car luxury, for the other region is a democracy. Aposteriorische culture needs can be satisfied by any average citizen. For example a car, vacation or a computer would be in Germany. Luxury needs be sought until (usually) by the aposteriorischen cultural needs.

Illusory existence needs are apparent culture – or even luxury needs. You are not essential to life and have an addiction – due to an emotionally intense habituation. Make a try and forbid the Internet, the computer or the mobile phone such as your son or your daughter and look at the emotional reaction. Or democracy prohibits in a State such as Germany (if possible) and watch how the revolution jump. I call this behavior a emotionally-intensive habituation of aposteriorischen needs. Differentiated business needs can, relatively speaking, both luxury and Kulturbedurfnise be. They are present in all living people and are a minimum of ownership of of need for. (The example: demand for food, water and oxygen). It is not hard to recognize: the failure of satisfaction is dead; in the truest sense of the word. Their experience was forced upon us by means of physiological and mental conditions. As embryo or fetus – in the belly of the mother – we couldn’t decide, whether we like it or not absorb food. This experience is through evolution (or whatever) determined for us. The congenital existence needs are so to speak the imposed aposteriorischen needs.


Their brains work in 4 dimensional parallel! A machine manufactured by humans in its expiration is always human will and is always controlled – never regulated. Its software works only 2 dimensional chronologically! Machines are always synthetic models of real life, copies, 2nd choice. What I don’t understand is: why people, despite global overpopulation, try to recreate people? You are copying evolution never 4.5 billion years effectively this is pure blasphemy! Why give elected politicians this simplicity brushes even billions of dollars taxpayers every year? With the recent cybernetic Steuerunge n explode nuclear power plants, polluted seas with oil and Thalidomide children born. And if anything goes wrong with the Cybernetics? Then they write about obituaries as such as Mr Malik (HSG) The end of capitalism. He wrote whole book stack so far on the functioning of the same. Morality? Earn merits.

And when the Swiss air crashes is of course innocent. but why ecology and Economics so often goes wrong? Because people (sub systems) are no steam engines (closed systems). On July 28, 2010 I got the GoogleAlert up-to-date in my PC: source: SERVICE: EMCSR 2008 from 25 to 28 March at the University of Vienna, program on the Internet at (APA). Of management theories about energy market predictions up to “neurotic” computer game opponents and the robot – “Butler”: at the world’s largest Congress of Cybernetics and systems research, the “19th European meeting on Cybernetics and systems research” (EMCSR 2008) from 25 to 28 March at the University of Vienna experts will present the latest developments of self-regulating systems. Contemporary Cybernetics moves around on the “Living beings, organisations and machines” and tried the problem “at the interface man-machine” on the Reason to go, event organizer Robert Trappl said in an interview with the APA. Cybernetics generally sees itself as the science of the function of complex systems, in particular the communication and control a feedback or a control circuit.