For the fuel system marine diesel generators and main engines, which can systematically check the temperature and opacity of exhaust gases, combustion pressure, power and fuel consumption, there is no acute need for new methods of diagnosis. It is advisable to use photoelectric smoke produced gas meters and appliances for measuring the pressure of injection nozzles in operation (by type of device CI-562 for automotive diesel engines). Promising to use oscilloscope to check the settings and fuel equipment. This work is done by the Volga-Don River Shipping on high-speed high-power diesel engines. Attached deadlights shipping arrangements, systems and devices of diesel can be checked by the following methods: a) turbocharger – a comparison of the reference and measured zagasimostey boost pressure on the speed of rotation of the shaft with adjusted for nespetsifikatsionnye external conditions, the rate applicable for the measurement unit BSU-2 (LIVT) or vibrating tachometer KI-1308V, and b) reactive oil centrifuge – the speed of rotation depending on the pressure oil, either by stopping time, and c) an oil pump – the difference between the nominal speed diesel engine and the speed at which the pump starts to bypass absorption (which is fixed a break in the plot pressure on the velocity), a reduction of this difference indicates a reduction of pump performance stock, and d) cooling system – measuring the temperature difference between inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger under certain modes and the external environment, as well as measuring the time of the fall of pressure in the system after power cut off or pressure molding, and e) temperature controllers and speed governors – to the static and dynamic performance management (time transients, the presence and magnitude of extremes, statism, and numbness) in accordance with GOST 11479-65 methods and 12607-69. The above list of methods includes virtually the entire arsenal of well-known diagnosis of marine diesel engines in its present state. As already noted, almost all of these methods are not yet practical introduction to the courts, and many of them were mentioned only as potentially suitable for use.
The task of specialists in marine diesel engines is a dramatic extension of the front work for the creation and implementation of CIP status. The solution of this task is made easier by the fact that in transport related industries has a long experience in diagnostics engine. As seen from the above materials, all subject to diagnose the basic units of diesel engines there are real technical possibilities CIP inspections technical condition. Instability of individual elements and components of fuel systems are not identical and the variability of the basic parameters of working processes, and some other reasons lead to significant dispersion of mean indicated pressure from cycle to cycle and to uneven load cylinder internal combustion engines. It defines a number of adverse events, significantly reducing operational, durability and efficiency of engines. To solve the problem of constant composition of the test party using strain-gauge equipment RIIZHT at sea in calm water and parking courts port on the steady-state modes, with a strictly fixed load and latched rail fuel pumps was conducted oscillography workflow engine cylinders 30 of 10 types (NVD-36, NVD-48, Skoda, G60 and CHSP 18/22, etc.). Adjusting the engine at the same time was made by means of conventional permanent controls in accordance with the applicable rules of service of marine diesel engines and care for them. Engines selected for the study, have roughly the same technical conditions. The resulting graphical information is processed by a special program on the computer. The program is provided by 'Technomarine (Baltic TSPKB)'.