Research Division

He constantly speaks of that alternative medicine have not yet have proved to be scientifically effective. That is, it has failed to incorporate the logic that dictates the scientific methodology of conventional science. However, before the conventional, the alternative is gaining slowly. An example of this is expenditure which incurred the Americans in alternative medicine. According to the information contained by the National Center for complementary and alternative medicine of us.UU., is important to investigate the fact that citizens are spending approximately $33.9 billion in alternative medicine. However, alternative medicine is still the medicine that costs less 1.5% of all health care costs, but represents 11.5% of out-of-pocket expenses.

I.e., there are many people using alternative medicine to improve their health, to improve their lifestyle and relieve ills or pain that often conventional medicine cannot. On the other hand, 38% of people used some form of alternative medicine. According to the director of the Extra mural Research Division, Richard L. Nahin, conditions that are commonly treated with alternative medicine are mainly those of chronic pain. Where conventional medicine does not know what else to do or just the recipe more expensive drugs that relieve pain, people prefer to try the alternative or natural. Finally, it should be noted the efforts of the National Center for complementary and alternative medicine of us.UU. as a step in the right direction by incorporating alternative as an alternative within medicine of medicine and not as something out of her.