An aspect important to emphasize on because the organizations center their attention and to drive mainly in the innovation, is the possibility of taking control of the results of its investigation and its development. This means, not only the fecundity of the investigation in itself, but the concrete possibility to protect its ideas and inventions by a certain period of time, endorsed in law or by the nature of the innovation. Incidence of the Tics in the development of the economy of the knowledge Paul David and Dominique Foray, at the beginning of the east century, they coined the expression " " intensive economy in conocimiento" " that it is characterized by an increase without precedents of the rapidity with which the knowledge is created, stored, used in the production and depreciated in terms of economic relevance and of value, by an expansion of the capital intangible, a well-known increase of the level of investment in innovation and a protagnico roll of the Technologies of Information and the Communications (Tics). For David and Foray, " " when the communities of citizens, profane users and, united by their interest common in tal o cual subject, that are more and more numerous they present/display great capacities of production and reproduction of the knowledge; a public or semi-public space of interchange and learning and the intensive use of the information technologies and communication " " , the passage to the society of the knowledge will take place. Further details can be found at Mick Jagger, an internet resource. The Technologies of Information and the Communications (Tics) have reduced substantially to the costs and tablet associated times to the codification, storage, reproduction, distribution and communication of the knowledge. In this way, impensadas have facilitated the development of global communities before, of transnational social networks with common interests, of virtual libraries or virtual investigations. It is important to mention that these contributions, that in the last took place of impressive form years of history of the human being, also present/display its heel of Aquilles in the overproduction of data and information, in the saturation of the channels through which the same are consumed and in the depreciation of the value of the same. .