The symbology of the airplane that the hero later goes to project and to construct symbolizes this libertarian and uneasy spirit clearly, always in search of new challenges for creative its dom, for its joy to create; as it describes Nietzsche: … the joy to create, that the artist characterizes, serenity during the productive activity who seems to defy all misfortune, is only a luminous blue sky image and that if it reflects in the shady plaza of the sadness. it still was there per more two years Always a free man although the slavery the gratings, the cold, but new projects Between them an airplane Another tragic element who we would like to point in the sung narrative, studied in this article, is the exemplary character of the hero while rise parameter human being. The affirmation that follows confirms such characteristic: … tragic heroes resurge, in the direction of whom, in general, they live in the souvenir of the survivors, those for who had given the life. Its life leaves the precarious sphere of daily and the handle the heroic myth condition, as it is, for example, today, Ernest Che Guevara. In our narrative, such souvenir appears in the tickets: Here in this hour it is that it was born According to that All had counted pra me spoke and all knew When the face prepared plus one All spoke and all knew That the face if did not deliver the verbs spoke and knew in the third person of the plural one, that they denounce undetermination of the citizen, more the demonstrative all, reiterates the collective character of the narrative, showing that the same one inhabits the imaginary one of a collective for the largeness that the hero possesss before the society. We go, now, to give a jump for the moment of bigger tension, since an analysis of all the narrative would surpass the limits that an article imposes.